A fantastic experience! A whole bunch of new tools, practical and dynamic, wrapped up in a blanket of holistic yumminess! Stimulating, useful, thought‑provoking and challenging – I enjoyed every minute.
Julie Nolan (Artistic Director, Red Leap Theatre, New Zealand).
I'm taking away a greater sense of "i-can-do-it-ness" and a rediscovered joy. i have a new role model in lynne, an amazing teacher with a strong sense of integrity, knowledge and care. i came to this course with little expectation, a lot of fear and a degree of apathy. i left feeling fulfilled spiritually, mentally and physically. i also left with a renewed desire to challenge myself and spread my dragon wings.
steph barnett (educator).
The STOMP INTENSIVES, which have now been held in all the capital cities in Australia, as well as in Vancouver, Hong Kong, Bristol, Amsterdam and Bulgaria, are designed to provide an opportunity for actors, directors, educators, and students to take time out of their busy lives and reconnect with their creative selves.
the STOMP INTENSIVES introduce Zen Zen Zo’s specialty physical theatre training forms (Viewpoints, Butoh, The Suzuki Method, and the devising technique of Composition), and provide a platform to collaborate with innovative guest artists. These INTENSIVES are open to artists and non-artists alike.
adelaide stomp 2025
Sat 28 June - Sun 29 June (2-day introduction to Physical THeatre)
Sat 28 June - Wed 2 July (5-day Intensive in butoh / Viewpoints / Suzuki Method / Composition)
9 AM - 5 PM Daily
The Breakout @ The Mill, Adelaide
Full Week: $390 (Full Fee) / $340 (Early Bird*)
Weekend Only: $200 (Full Fee) / $180 (Early Bird*)
2 x Full Scholarships are available to First Nations participants.
* Early Bird: booked & paid prior to 28 May

Sat 27 Setpember- Sun 28 September (2-day introduction to Physical THeatre)
Mon 29 September - Wed 01 October (3-day Masterclass in butoh / Viewpoints / Suzuki Method / Composition)
10 AM - 6 PM Daily
Red Hot Arts, Alice Springs
Full Week: $390 (Full Fee) / $340 (Early Bird*)
Weekend Only: $200 (Full Fee) / $180 (Early Bird*)
3-Day Masterclass: $250 (Full fee) / $200 (Early Bird*)
Jordan Braver - jpbrave@gmail.com / 0400 044 135
2 x Full Scholarships are available to First Nations participants.
* Early Bird: booked & paid prior to 27 August
NOTE: Masterclass open to participants who have prior experience with Zen Zen Zo or elsewhere in the Suzuki Method, Viewpoints & Butoh.
Sat 6 December - Sun 7 December (2-Day introduction to Physical Theatre / Devising)
Mon 8 December - Wed 10 December (3-Day Masterclass in Butoh / Viewpoints /
Suzuki Method / Wresting-to-dance)
9 AM - 5 PM Daily
Perth College, Perth
Full Week: $390 (Full Fee) / $340 (Early Bird*)
Weekend Only: $200 (Full Fee) / $180 (Early Bird*)
3-Day Masterclass: $250 (Full fee) / $200 (Early Bird*)
Shaun Johnston - shaun.r.johnston@gmail.com // 0498 091 057
2 x Full Scholarships are available to First Nations participants.
*EARLY BIRD - booked and paid by November 7, 2025
NOTE: Masterclass open to participants who have prior experience with Zen Zen Zo or elsewhere in the Suzuki Method, Viewpoints & Butoh.